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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-06-20 20:31:46


My friend Peter was kind and lovely. But as a student, he was bad at math, English and science because he didn't have an aptitude(资质)for that kind of study.

One day we were playing football and the bail got stuck in a tree. Peter climbed the tree to get it, and one of the teachers, John Marston 9 who was looking out of the window, noticed that he was a talented climber. Mr Marston was an expert (专家)in climbing. He had climbed many mountains.

One weekend Mr Marston invited Peter to climbMount Kilimanjaro. Peter really enjoyed the climbing. Mr Marston told Peter he was a very talented climber for his age. Peter left school three years later with no qualifications (毕业证),but he kept climbing regularly until he became very good at it. In his early twenties, he became a professional climber. He said, “1’11 always remember Mr Marston because he showed me I had an ability which no one else, including me, knew about."

91. Which subject was Peter not good at? ______________________________ 92. When did Peter and Mr Marston climbMount Kilimanjaro? ______________________________

93. How did Peter feel about the climbing? _______________________________

94. What did Mr Marston say about Peter? _______________________________

95. Did Peter know he had an ability to climb at first?

答案:91. He was not good at( math, English and science).

92. One weekend./ They climbed it one weekend.

93. He liked/loved/enjoyed it.

94. (He was) a very talented climber.

95. No./No, he didn’t.


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